第5級 TBCL 5

整體描述 General Description 不論場域,能理解多樣主題篇章所表達的觀點。能以流暢的段落及有組織的篇章表達觀點、摘要、評論或創作。
包含600個漢字、2,619個詞語、29個類詞綴、106個語法點。 1-5級總計1,900個漢字、5,288個詞語、69個類詞綴、496個語法點。
Regardless of the situation, able to understand the points of view expressed in texts embracing a wide variety of themes. Able to express a viewpoint, summarize important points, make observations, or write creatively, in fluent passages as part of a well-structured essay.
It contains 600 Chinese characters, 2,619 words, 29 affixes, and 106 grammar points. A total of 1,900 Chinese characters, 5,288 words, 69 affixes, and 496 grammar points from level 1 to 5.

Able to understand the content, viewpoints, and emotions found in speeches, discussions, and audiovisual media, expressed in fluent discourse on a wide variety of topics.
  • L-5-1 能理解長篇對話的多樣主題內容、觀點與情感。
    Able to understand the content, viewpoints, and feelings of lengthy conversations on a wide variety of topics.
  • L-5-2 能理解以流利話語陳述的多樣主題之訊息及演說的重點。
    Able to understand the information and main points of fluent discourse on a wide variety of topics.
  • L-5-3 能理解以流利話語呈現的電視新聞與訪談。
    Able to understand news programs and interviews in fluent discourse.
  • L-5-4 能理解以流利話語表達的多樣主題、非正式討論之內容、觀點與情感。
    Able to understand the content, viewpoints, and feelings of informal discussions, expressed in fluent discourse, on a variety of topics.
  • L-5-5 能理解以流利話語表達的多樣主題、正式討論之內容、觀點與情感。
    Able to understand the content, viewpoints, and feelings of formal discussions, expressed in fluent discourse, on a variety of topics.

Able to state one’s views, give a speech, interact with an audience, participate in discussions, and make comments, clearly and fluently, on a wide variety of topics, in many different situations.
  • S-5-1 能清晰流利地就多樣主題進行長篇完整的表達。
    Able to express oneself clearly, fluently, and fully, at length, on a wide variety of topics.
  • S-5-2 能清晰流利地就多樣主題,持續地進行長篇完整的交談。
    Able to converse clearly, fluently, fully, continuously, at length, on a variety of topics.
  • S-5-3 能清晰流利地就多樣主題參與非正式討論,清楚表達觀點並提出建議。
    While taking part in informal discussions on a wide variety of topics, able to speak clearly and fluently, express one’s point of view clearly, and offer suggestions.
  • S-5-4 能清晰流利地進行長篇完整的演說,就多樣主題表達觀點,提出支持或反對理由,並能適切地回應問題。
    Able to give a complete speech clearly and fluently, state one’s own viewpoint on a variety of topics, give reasons for and against, and respond appropriately to questions asked.
  • S-5-5 能清晰流利地就多樣主題做出有邏輯、有組織的長篇完整表述。
    Able to give complete, logical, and well-structured speeches, while speaking clearly and fluently on a wide variety of topics.
  • S-5-6 能清晰流利地就多樣主題,進行長篇完整的正式討論,闡述辯護自己的觀點,並回應他人的意見。
    Able to speak clearly, fluently, fully, and at length, while taking part in formal discussions on a wide variety of topics.
    Able to describe and defend one’s own point of view, and to respond to the views of others.

Able to read and understand the main point of well-structured articles that deal with a variety of themes. Able to sort through such articles and to abstract their main points.
  • R-5-1 能歸納整理一篇文章裡不同段落的訊息,或不同文章裡的各種訊息。
    Able to sort through the information contained in the paragraphs of an article, or the various sorts of information found in different articles.
  • R-5-2 能理解並統整多樣主題篇章所陳述的主要觀點、比較觀點。
    Able to understand and sort through the main points of articles on a variety of topics, and to compare different points of view.
  • R-5-3 閱讀稍有難度的段落,能運用不同的閱讀策略(推論、跳讀、查詢)。
    When reading moderately difficult passages, able to use different reading strategies (such as drawing inferences, skimming, and looking things up).
  • R-5-4 能理解、摘要、推論多樣主題篇章所陳述的觀點與作者立場。
    When reading articles on a wide variety of topics, able to understand, abstract, and make inferences regarding an article’s main points and the author’s stance.

Able to express a point of view, summarize important points, write commentaries, or write creatively, in a wide range of fields, on complex subjects, in fluent paragraphs and well-structured essays.
  • W-5-1 能以流暢的段落及有組織的篇章,針對多樣主題,陳述觀點或摘要重點。
    Able to write fluent and well-structured essays on a wide variety of topics, essays that convey a specific point of view or summarize important points.
  • W-5-2 能以流暢的段落及有組織的篇章,針對多樣主題,有條理且切題地表達評論。
    Able to write fluent and well-structured essays on a wide variety of topics, essays that make comments in an organized way and without deviating from the main point.
  • W-5-3 能以流暢的段落及有組織的篇章,就熟悉的主題,進行連貫且切題的創作。
    Able to write fluent and well-structured creative essays that are coherent and to the point, on topics that one is familiar with.

Able to translate familiar topics using sentence clusters, where the translation is extremely close to the original, and where the sentences are clear and fluent.
  • T-5-1 能以句群翻譯熟悉主題的資料。
    Able to translate information on familiar topics into sentence clusters.
  • T-5-2 能以句群概要的翻譯書面或多媒體資料內容。
    Able to succinctly translate written texts or audiovisual content into sentence clusters.
  • T-5-3 能以句群翻譯他人的觀點、活動與計畫內容。
    Able to translate the content of other people’s points of view, activities, or plans, into sentence clusters.