第7級 TBCL 7

整體描述 General Description 能理解複雜主題內容與專業領域的觀點。能精準表達觀點、評論及創作。
包含600個漢字、4,993個詞語。 1-7級總計3,100個漢字、14,425個詞語、73個類詞綴、496個語法點。
Able to understand the content of complex subject matter and the perspective of professional fields. Able to express one’s views succinctly, write commentary, and write creatively.
It contains 600 Chinese characters, and 4,993 words. A total of 3,100 Chinese characters, 14,425 words, 73 affixes, and 496 grammar points from level 1 to 7.

Able to understand the content, viewpoints, and feelings found in complex subject matter, even when the pace of speaking is fast and various accents are spoken.
  • L-7-1 能理解以流利話語所表達的複雜主題之敘述及專業演說的重點。
    Able to understand descriptions of complex topics and the main points of professional speeches, even when the delivery is fast and fluent.
  • L-7-2 能理解新聞、時事報導、紀錄片等不同類型的視聽節目內容,並能辨別說話者的立場。
    Able to understand the content of news broadcasts, reports, documentaries, and other types of audiovisual programs; when listening to such content, able to discern the different stances of different speakers.
  • L-7-3 能歸納以較快語速或不同腔調之話語中所表達的複雜主題及其討論之觀點。
    Able to figure out the main points of discussions on complex subjects, even when the delivery is fast and fluent, and when different accents are spoken.

Able to state one’s point of view, make speeches, discuss, and comment, clearly and fluently, on complex subjects.
  • S-7-1 能清晰流利地參與複雜主題的非正式討論與辯論,精準地表達觀點與評論。
    Able to speak clearly and fluently while taking part in informal debates and discussions on complex subjects; able to state one’s viewpoint accurately and to make comment.
  • S-7-2 能清晰流利地進行長篇完整的演說,就複雜主題表達觀點,並根據聽眾特性調整談話內容、回覆複雜具挑戰性的問題。
    Able to give a full-length speech clearly and fluently; to state a point of view on a complex topic accurately; to adjust the content of one’s speech depending on the special characteristics of the audience; and to answer complex and challenging questions.
  • S-7-3 能清晰流利地就複雜主題進行有組織、有邏輯且切題的論述。
    Able to give a well-structured, logical, and focused discourse on a complex subject, clearly and fluently.
  • S-7-4 能清晰流利地參與各種複雜主題的討論與辯論,精準地、有說服力地闡述觀點,流暢切題地回應評論。
    Able to speak clearly and fluently while participating in debates and discussions on all sorts of complex topics; to make a case persuasively for one’s own point of view; and to respond to comments fluently and without deviating from the point at issue.

Able to understand the viewpoints, observations, and writing styles of articles that are found in professional fields and that deal with complex subject matter.
  • R-7-1 能理解複雜主題或題材廣泛的篇章,辨別細節,包括文中人物的態度、明示或暗示的觀點。
    Able to understand essays that contain complex topics or wide-ranging themes; to notice details including the attitude of persons mentioned as well as their points of view, either stated or implied.
  • R-7-2 能理解學術或專業領域及各種複雜主題的篇章,賞析風格的細微差異,理解明示含義與言外之意。
    Able to understand academic articles, essays on specialized, professional subjects, and all kinds of discourse involving complex topics; to appreciate minor differences in style; and to understand both the stated and implied meaning of a discourse.
  • R-7-3 能理解抽象、結構複雜的特殊文本,推論作者立場、寫作風格與文章的言外之意。
    Able to understand special, abstract texts with complex structures, and to infer the point of view of an author, their writing style, and their implied meaning.

When dealing with complex subject matter, able to use set phrases with precision, and to accurately express a viewpoint, provide commentary, make commentary, and write creative pieces whose structure is complete.
  • W-7-1 能精確地運用熟語,對各種複雜的閱聽材料,寫出論據精確、結構完整的觀點或評論。
    Able to use set phrases accurately, and to write essays containing precise and accurate observations and having a complete structure.
  • W-7-2 能精確地運用熟語,針對學術或專業領域的複雜主題,寫出論文報告或創作結構完整的篇章。
    Able to use set phrases accurately, and to write theses, reports, and creative pieces having a complete structure and dealing with complex themes of an academic or professional nature.
  • W-7-3 能精確地運用熟語,針對複雜主題及讀者特性,調整表達方式,完整且有條理地創作結構完整的篇章。
    Able to use set phrases accurately; and, in response to the complexity of the topic and the special requirements of the reader, to make adjustments to the style of presentation, so as to write creative pieces that are methodical and orderly, and whose structure is complete.

Able to produce translations of material on all sorts of subjects. The translated text is smooth and the information is complete.
  • T-7-1 能以篇章翻譯各種主題的資料。
    Able to produce translations of material on all sorts of subjects.
  • T-7-2 能以篇章翻譯書面或多媒體資料內容。
    Able to produce translations of written texts or of multi-media content.
  • T-7-3 能以篇章翻譯他人的報告或評論。
    Able to produce translations of the reports and observations of others.